Can I start the arpeggiator loop when I am using states

…instead of respect the ongoing arpeggiator loop. I hope you understand me. The problemi is when I come to the state with the arpeggiator plugin, the arpeggiator is not in phase with me when I start to play since it’s already going on when I activate that state :thinking:

Not sure - what arpeggiator plug are you using? It really depends on what option the arpeggiator you use has to trigger the loop. Cantabile only provides tempo when not in playback mode.

If there is no explicit trigger mechanism in your arpeggiator, you could also try playing with Cantabile’s playback mechanisms. When starting master playback, Cantabile will also send timing information to your plugins, so it might work to create a binding that starts playback when you activate the state.



Yes you are right, I have to set the arpeggiator in my plugin (SparkDubstep) so my playing on the keyboard trigger the sequence/loop of the arpeggiator. I thought it was a Cantabile setting.

Byt the way Torsten, thanks for the tips of the reverb plugin Valhalla. I put it in every rack now :muscle:

Hmmm, how about using just one or two “reverb” racks per song and using parallel routes as “reverb sends”? Putting it in every rack sounds like overkill…



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