C3 finds Waves plugins but they don't show up in the list

None of my Waves plugins show up in the list. The folder is scanned and while scanning I can see all the names of the plugins flying by. But when I go to insert a plugin they’re not there. Even the folder is empty. Any thoughts?

Are they 32 or 64 bit, and which is your version of C3??

Hi @EFaaT

Send me a copy of your plugins.json file and I’ll check it out. You can locate this file via Tools | Open SettingsFolder

@FredProgGH 's suggestion is a good one though - are you running the matching pluign/host platforms?


C3 Performer 64 bit

Brad, I tried to attach the file but it won’t let me. I’ll send it via email …

I replied to your email. Pretty sure you’ve got the wrong files in your plugin path. For Waves you need to put the Waves VST plugin in your VST path - not Wave’s internal plugin files.

Let me know if no luck…

Going back 8 yrs for this, but I am seeking some input for a project I am involved in.

In advance, I know Waves can be very non-consumer friendly. So,I set the Waves VST (WavesShell) in Cantabile Plugin Options. When I scan, WavesShell -VST3 shows up during the scan, but never shows in Cantabile “Add Object”.
Any ideas, other than ditching Waves? :grin:


Hi @Corky!

WavesShell is not supposed to be added as a plugin. However, it is needed for the actual plugins to be available. You should look for the actual plugins in the
Add Object->Plugin… dialog.
What happens if, in the Plugin dialog, you select “By Vendor” and then “Waves”?


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Hi Gabriel
I was checking by vendor earlier, but it didn’t show up.

I cheated… :shushing_face: and used another vst host to test waves. It worked very well, but I would rather stay with Cantabile if possible on this project. After 10+ years with Cantabile, it would be a pain to learn something else. Beside that, it would be sacrilegious to use another host. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Maybe you could look into the log file and check if it makes any error in loading the WaveShell.
Have you checked also this thread? There are some info about where waves put its plugins…


Hmm. So, you unload the bank and load the piano without it?

Uhm…I am not sure what you are referring to, Corky.

The reason why I pointed you to the thread is that Waves seems to install its plugins in a folder which is different from what most vendors use. For this reason, Cantabile was not able to find them, until I added that folder in Cantabile’s list.

There are also other issues discussed in the thread, but it has been some time since then and I would need to read it carefully to remember the details (and its a quarter past midnight, here :wink:).

In any case, I would have a look at the log file, searching the file for lines containing “waves”.


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Been racking my brain for 2 days. A light bulb went on in my brain tonight, and I remembered Blue Cat patchwork! I am now able to use Waves in Cantabile through patchwork. :grin:

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I use Waves plugins with C3. I do have to do a forced rescan once in a while to pick up updates properly. The symptom is that all/some of my plugins become unavailable/invalid because they have have moved to a new shell file. For some reason, C3 didn’t pick this up without manually rescanning from scratch.

So, you are saying you are able to eventually load Waves with multiple scans? I will keep trying then. :+1:

I remember it being a special option on the scan that basically scrapped what it “knew” and rescanned. It was slower. I hope I am not mixing it up with my other software. C3 isn’t the only one that Waves upgrades require me to force to rescan as if it is the first time. I can fire up the recording studio laptop and look for what I did more precisely if needed.

Thanks Randall for offering a look back on the past, but it is not a big thing. It is doing well in Blue Cat, which doesn’t add any noticeable drain on the CPU.
BTW…after this hair puller, I may have mixed it up with other software as well. :laughing:

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