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Ensoniq ESQm With Expansion Cartridge - Switch-Left and Switch-Right Racks
You might not have the expansion cartridge for your ESQm (or ESQ-1 keyboard), but you can always prune-out the extra states I’ve included.
The cartridges worked by adding two more banks of 40 (all RAM banks on mine, which is great!) to produce 120 patches, numbered 0-119. You likely have different names for your patches, but now you can easily edit the rack in a text editor or simply edit each state in Cantabile to put in your own names! If you do not have a cartridge, simply delete the ones you don’t need.
Mine also has a switch, as it has two of these add-on banks of 80 inside. So, I had different patch names and thus had to make two racks. Here they both are just because it is easy to add both. I hope this is useful to someone!
ESQmSwitchLeftBasic.cantabileRack (272.0 KB)
ESQmSwitchRightBasic.cantabileRack (270.8 KB)
Pass your ESQ through your favorite modern reverbs and effects and have lots of fun!
TX81Z Basic Showing Where Banks Switch AND With ROM Sounds
(See Binding Notes Change With State)
This is a very simple rack for the TX81Z that merely shows via states in the bindings notes where the splits are for the four banks’ patch numbers.
RAM bank is patches 0-31
ROM A is patches 32-63
ROM B is patches 64-95
ROM C is patches 96-127
Add your favorite modern reverbs, delays and chorus effects to your TX and you will fall in love with it all over again!
TX81Z_Basic.cantabileRack (13.5 KB)
EDIT - And here are all the ROM sounds in banks A, B and C since those never change.
TX81Z_WithRomBanks.cantabileRack (228.2 KB)
EDIT 2 - And here is with all the ROM sounds in Banks A, B and C that never change, plus a “Favorites” bank in Bank I, the RAM bank. A Sysex file is included in the zip so you can load in these same sounds - or you can just re-name all the states and note entries to match your own RAM contents - all the bindings and patch numbers stay the same.
The included Sysex bank is set to channel 6, btw.
TX81Z_Favorites_Bank_With_Ram Rom Sysex.zip (10.6 KB)
Acoustic Samples B5 Presets
This rack uses the Rack states and plugin states behavior switches for fast switching between B5 Organ patches. @Corky helped me troubleshoot the beast so a big thank you and shout-out to him for his keen eyes. It has about 40 patches, some classic and some home cooked. It’s a big file because of the data storage required with this approach. Could be used as a template. All states are locked so if you want to edit them bear this in mind. Enjoy!
AC B5 Organ.cantabileRack (4.2 MB)
Thanks for this! I’m really looking forward to playing around with it. I’m a really good technical player, but am not good at tweaking organ sounds to get what I want.
- Paul
Reverbs Rack to Customize To Your Needs
All plugins are in “unloaded” state initially, and only the plugin/state selected is loaded at any one time.
This is a rack containing every reverb plugin I own. If you have some of these installed, then those states possessing those will work right off the bat. The idea is to start off with a huge list of plugins available, but NOT loaded (all being “unloaded”). This way, you can drop your finished version into a song or rack without worrying about anything but the chosen state being loaded. So, multiple embeds of this could be used so you can test out your reverb collection with a specific instrument within its own rack.
I recommend deleting SOME of the ones you don’t use, but leave some as well, since it is much easier to simply replace plugins in each state than to add a new one (since you have to go and set it to “unloaded” as many times as you have states then). Right-click the plugin you want to replace and select “Replace Plugin…” from the menu. That way the loaded/unloaded state will remain intact for that position.
Reverbs Rack.cantabileRack (1.2 MB)
Rotary, Chorus, Flanger and Phaser Plugins Rack to Customize To Your Needs
As above with the Reverbs Rack, but for this category of effects. All plugins are in “unloaded” state initially, and only the plugin/state selected is loaded at any one time.
Chorus and Rotator Effects.cantabileRack (209.6 KB)
Filters Plugins Rack To Customize To Your Needs
As above with the Reverbs Rack, but for this category of effects. All plugins are in “unloaded” state initially, and only the plugin/state selected is loaded at any one time.
Filters.cantabileRack (102.9 KB)
Kawai K5000 Patch Collections to Racks
Here are the four Kawai K5000 patch collections, plus the Factory patches that came with systems 3.00 and 4.04 that all were installable via the floppy disk drive! If you have these disks, this will make the patches USEFUL again in your Cantabile setup! Enjoy!
K5000_Bass_Solo_Lead_Collection.cantabileRack (260.8 KB)
K5000_Pads_and_Comping_Collection.cantabileRack (219.9 KB)
K5000_Session_Toolkit_Collection.cantabileRack (224.4 KB)
K5000_Classic_Sounds_Collection.cantabileRack (249.4 KB)
K5000_System_300_Factory_Presets_A_D_Banks.cantabileRack (231.3 KB)
K5000_System_404_Factory_Presets_A_D_Banks.cantabileRack (322.0 KB)
D16 Syntorus Chorus Rack with all Presets mapped to states.
Syntorus.cantabileRack (883.8 KB)
I love this thing!
Surreal Machines’ Modnetic - all 113 Presets mapped to states
I think this is the best echo plugin ever.
Modnetic.cantabileRack (310.3 KB)
Do you do this manually??? That’s a lot of work actually!
Thanks for that! I’m in love with D16 plugins too.
Yes, I do it manually, but it only has to be done once, and I’ve streamlined the process quite a bit. Plus, I type wicked fast!
I load in the plugin into the rack, bring up the states section. Then it is this:
Starting with first Pseudo-Preset visible up top -
- Select Plugin Preset
- Rename Pseudo-Preset
- Type name
- Select all (CTRL-A), Copy (CTRL-C)
- Hit Enter
- Click outside plugin
- Create New State (CTRL-SHIFT-T)
- Paste name (CTRL-V)
- Hit Enter
- Advance Pseudo-Preset
Start over.
I get one done every 15 seconds or so this way.
D16 Toraverb 2 Reverb - all 95 Presets as States
Toraverb 2.cantabileRack (271.5 KB)
A terrific reverb!
BTW - if you want to customize the settings for some of the presets and save them for a song, you can simply copy the plugin from the rack and paste it into your song (right-click “add object” and click “paste”), then it will be a new copy with your changes saved within the song and all the pseudo-presets will be retained after pasting.
Or you can alternatively copy and paste the plugin into a new rack or use “Save Rack As” calling that “customized presets” or something.
Thanx Terry…you’re killing it today !!
Awesome work!! Thanks.
Or you can set the state behavior to “save with the song” so the state of the plugin won’t be touched.