Bypass Global Rack

I want to bypass the global rack just for one song. Is this possible as I can’t see a way to do it? I see that this question has been asked before a few years ago so wondering if the situation has changed.


What do you mean by “bypass” - normally audio/MIDI isnt passed through the background rack anyway.

Do you mean you want to disable bindings in the background rack for one song?

If so, not possible - that’s kind of the whole point of the background rack: to have bindings that work everywhere.

One alternative is to move those bindings to a separate linked rack and add that rack to every song that needs it.

Or, have I misunderstood the question?

If I had bindings in the BG rack I didn’t want used on a certain song I think I could simply create a rack state that disabled those bindings I wanted to bypass. It would also have the bindings to to affect the state changes per song. Just an idea …

Spot on Brad. I was trying to avoid having to do exactly as you suggest but looks like I will have to.

That’s what I initially thought I’d do Dave but there’s no state I could find to trigger just for the one song.

Hi Chris,

I will try to explain what my idea was. To start with I’ll assume there are bindings in the BG rack and possibly some Routes and VST. In this example all the bindings and routes and VSTs have the bypass checked on the states behaviors of each element. I created a state in the BG rack called Normal with all things enabled. I also created a state called bypass.

I switched to the bypass state and disabled all the bindings and VST and routes.

I toggle between the states manually to see they are working and then I would then add a few bindings to the BG rack so I can change states. These bindings would be always enabled in both states so I would uncheck the enable box in the state behaviors on those bindings. I would use a few arbitrary CC numbers for this task. Also there would be a binding that set the rack on loading to the Normal state 0 In the example a CC0 momentary switch will set the rack to state 1 and a CC1 momentary switch will set it to state 0.

back at the Song level and the song where you wanted it to switch off the BG elements you would put 2 bindings, one for switching the BG rack to bypass state when the song loaded and one to switch it back to normal when you went to the next song.

So, that’s the detailed explanation of my idea for a solution.




I would assume that you could create bindings in the song that “hijacked” the events triggering the binding in the BG rack. The order of priorities is stated here: Bindings - Cantabile - Software for Performing Musicians

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Wow, great information Torsten! I hadn’t recalled that one. It would work for bindings but not for VSTs or routes, right?


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@TorstenH , that is perfect. I can now have my faders operating as volume for most songs but as drawbars when I have an organ. Thank you and @dave_dore both for your help and thanks to @brad for building such a brilliant program. Never ceases to amaze what can be achieved.

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Yes, you are right.

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