Buttons in the live mode showing rack states

Hi guys,

I’ve put together a song for ‘general’ use, a set of common sounds for gigs that I don’t necessarily have any sort of song list going in, all selected using the pads on my controller keyboard. It’s working great but I wondered if it’s possible to show the current state of a rack (as opposed to the song) on one of the buttons in live mode? It would be exceptionally useful to do so.



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Hi Pierce,

Unfortunately the environment variables currently only allow access to the current song state. I’ve logged it here and curious if anyone else would find this useful.


I do something similar for open mic’s. I have the 8 drum pads on the Axiom bound to a linked rack called Open Mic with states for B3, epiano, piano, moog, strings, horns, combo and clavinet. I have a button that shows “Part N of N” (ie Part 5 of 9) and below is the name

I’m not clear how the variables will work with Live Mode but would like to learn more

Yes, that would be a great solution if I was using song states to switch between sounds but I’m not, I’m using rack states…