Build 4211 (Experimental) - Note Mapping

I’m liking this new note remap filter in V4211. I’ve been using a CodeFN32 plugin (Notemapper) and/or rack bindings to achieve chords from single notes (I use bass pedals a lot). Notemapper seems to not like having multiple copies loaded as it’s at the end of the crash logs sometimes when exiting Cantabile (never died playing, just unloading?) and the Binding method is tedious (but it works!). Thanks, @brad.
I’ll try the predetermined chords, too.

I firmly believe having midi utilities imbedded within Cantabile is more stable.

I didn’t get a crash log from you on this. Did Cantabile prompt to send one? Or, do you have a crash log or can you create one and send it to me?

I’ll send you some.

Give a mouse a cookie… I have a question for @brad. Here is the scenario:

Play a C note which is mapped to a C chord (G, C, E)
Then play a G note which is mapped G chord (G, B, D)

The G Note in the C and G major chords are the same note.

If the C note (Mapped to G, C, E) is released slightly after the G note (Mapped to G, B, D), the original G Note Off from the Mapped C cuts of the next G note that should be held with the G mapped chord.

Is there a way to not allow the G note off command to pass IF that same G note is part of the next mapped structure? I guess the new G note ON might have to be stopped to to avoid duplicate G notes.

This “shorting” chord notes has been a problem with CodeFN42 and the binding methods: The current chord notes can be cut off by the previous chord note offs if the first chord is release after the second chord.

I’ll need to look into this to be sure, but I might be able to fix this for the special case where both chords are generated by the same MIDI filter item.

I guess the behaviour should be that when the G note is played, the previously held G (as part of the CEG chord) should be released and the new G re-triggered.

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Thanks for looking. “Note off” then “play note” again would work. Or stop both the “note off” and second “play note” so note continues to play. I can think of uses for both scenarios. The main thing is not to let the note be totally turned off during the second chord.

@easteelreath - I’ve been thinking about using my Elka 12 bass pedals to play pads in songs while playing my bass. I was thinking if the song had a key assigned and mode I could just tap the “root” note of each chord I want to play (hopefully can assign different inversions depending on the song). How are you doing this?

I found scaler made this fairly easy to do, once you get past the slightly odd UI.

I had to look up the “Elka Bass Pedals.” The one’s I found are analog out with no midi out. My pedals are DIY with Midi Out. Maybe your pedals have midi out?

I’m using Cantabile internal MIDI Note Map filter for every note “by song” and “by note” to add chords. If the song has three chords, I might map the pedals to what’s easy to reach with my feet versus actual chord root notes. Or by what the chord sequence order is in the song so I can just start on the left and move one note to the right. I’ve got a video monitor on the floor that shows how each pedal/switch is mapped by song (Cantabile Notes). Once the midi note gets into Cantabile, no telling what it might do. Some of the patches add guitar effects (midi to Kemper), change main mixer settings (Midi to X32), etc. for each bass pedal switch.

I hope this answers your question.


Maybe Doug is referring to the Elka DMP13/DMP18 or the PM13, all long time discontinued MIDI pedalboards.

Or to a DIY pedal like the one I built for a friend in the late '90s using an old analog Elka something-144 pedalboard and a 68HC11 µcontroller. No Arduino yet back then.

Yes - I bought an Elka MP13 on ebay, took it apart, cleaned the contacts and it works like a champ. They are well built and not expensive on ebay. I use it with a Midi Sport Uno into my powered USB hub.

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Related to this, I find myself sometimes using multiple main keyboard input lines to avoid playing some complicated chord/octave passages. First input line will play the lowest note of the chord, 2nd the 2nd etc. It would be more simple to do that in a single midi mapping. So, my request:
would it be possible to make a mapping to multiple, freely selectable notes, e.g map the C2 to C2, C3, G3 and E4?

And I’m apparently the only one doing this?

I see this is exactly what this new chord mapping feature does :slight_smile:

I’ve just put up a new build 4219 that provides a work around for this:

The fix is two new modes on the Note On Deduplicator MIDI Filter:

  • Hold - holds the duplicate note until all instances have been released
  • Retrigger - retriggers the note and holds until the last instance released

To get “overlapping” chords to works correctly, create a MIDI Note Map filter with the chords and then follow it with a Note On Deduplicator filter in either of these two new modes (depending on the behaviour you want)



This works well! Thanks again.


I agree, it works great!

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Thanks Guys.