Build 3626 - Stable Contender

I’ve just put up build 3626 which I’m hoping will be the next stable build.

It has just one minor bug fix and persistent startup warning message about it being an experimental build has been removed. This will be the first stable build with VST 3 and Preset Model support.

If you’re still running build 3615 or earlier you should still backup your files before running this build since files saved in these newer builds may not open in older builds. You’ll need those backup files if you want to go back to an earlier build.

Please let me know if you notice any issues…


3625 running stable so far.
Didn’t find any more issues and I’ve done some concerts.
Great job brad!

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Thanks for the heads up. When I get back home in a couple of days, I will install it.

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Three cheers for full screen! And whatever was done to media players over the last few months when I wasn’t looking, too. And of course VST3.

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It’s gonna be time to try 3626 build on my gig machine.
I was waiting for a stable build to prevent messing up something.

Thanks again @brad for all this new stuff (VST3, presets model, full screen etc…)

Did you guys have had issues with the new presets model?
Are you retrieving all your VSTi sounds from a 3615 file?

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I successfully migrated to 3626 last week from 3613. Even tho I have a ton of gigs, I used it at Saturday’s gig with no problems. I normally will not change anything with gigs pending, but I was having a few problems with 3613. My backup is still on 3613, but, if things work well thru this week’s gigs, I will upgrade it as well.
I love the new presets model, and all my songs moved successfully from 3613 to 3626. However, I did a backup of my files 1st. I have simple setups and bindings, so updating did not affect anything that I’ve found so far.

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Thanks @corky for your reassuring post.
Got gigs pending too… abroad and with complex setups.
I think I won’t take the risk right now, but will be digging in soon.


Hello Brad, I still have a problem with Izotope Neutron 2 Advanced (it’s the same with Ozone 8 Advanced). I load the plugin, it works but no way to remove it from a song. Then if I load a song with the plugin and I do “new song” Cantabile crash.
Otherwise you have developed a great product and add the VST3 is great. Except this little cantabile problem is stable.

Yep there is a known problem with this plugin which I’ve been in discussion with the developer about but thus far haven’t heard of a solution.