Build 3211 - Prompt to save options

I notice in build 3211, if I load a song and do nothing but select a different song, it prompts me to save every single rack. This is with the song and all of its racks set to prompt to save “Only on significant changes”. I’m quite surprised by this, as I would expect the behaviour to be the same for previous builds, unless I’m misunderstanding something. I’ve attached a screenshot showing my song with all the racks showing a “modified” asterisk:


Hi Neil,

If you go ahead and re-save “all” do the racks and song do the same thing the second time around. I have a simple setup with racks set like you do (“Only on significant changes”) and I’m not getting the same result. It just changes songs no prompt.


Yes, even if I save-all, they still all get marked as modified next time I load the song, and prompt for saving. Same for all songs.

I notice in my log, each time I load my song, I have this bunch of lines:

00809883       27   [10404:2]: File rack 'G2 Modular-A' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'G2 Modular-B' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'Moog Voyager FX' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'Mellotron Choir' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'VB3-A' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'D50' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'TG500' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'IQ Effects' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File song 'Out of Nowhere' modified by RackParentNotify
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'Ivory II-A' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'Strings' modified by RackHostGain
00809883        0   [10404:2]: File rack 'OP-X Pro-II' modified by RackHostGain

So whatever RackHostGain is, that’s what’s doing it…


Wow … good evidence. I will try on a larger setup. My tryout computer doesn’t have as complex a setup as yours but my laptops do.


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@brad One other thing about build 3211 - the new shorcut, Shift+F6, mentioned in the blog and release notes actually seems to be Alt+F6 on mine…


Hey Neil,

I seem to recall you use a technique for adjusting your pedals to a preset place with jump prevention before you play a song or part. Could these bindings have something to do with it?


Good thinking/suggestion. It shouldn’t be, though, from my understanding. All of my instrument racks include an empty embedded rack that acts as a volume control, with bindings to its fader from MIDI CC 11 and 16. To make fades happen I use a separate “Pedal fade” rack that sends out CC11 and 16, to define preset pedal positions and define how the fade should work. But the song I showed the screenshot and log for don’t have a pedal fade rack, so CC11 and 16 shouldn’t be being sent.

It would be understandable if I were using any of these pedal fade racks in all the songs. And if that were the case, I’d only expect to see a modification being made to racks targetted by the pedal fade racks. However I’m seeing it for all linked racks in the songs, including my simplest song that just has a piano rack. Furthermore, “Only on significant changes” should be ignoring modifications caused by bindings anyway.



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Agreed, thanks for your explanation.


Thanks @Neil_Durant - I’ve obviously messed something up. I’ll check it out

OK, my bad - I think I spotted what’s happening here. New build coming soon…


Confirmed fixed in 3212 - speedy work @brad! :relaxed:

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