Bug with build 3158?

Okay so a weird thing started happening after upgrading to 3158…NanoKontrol controls are not affecting plugins…there is midi data coming in from the NK as I can see midi activity lights in C3, but these messages (even though they ALL worked prior) now no longer actually are being seen in the plugins? Weird :confounded:

Hi @pax-eterna

Nothing in this area has changed for quite a while now. To be clear, are you talking about MIDI control via Bindings, or MIDI data passed through normal routes that the plugin should pick up on?


The latter Brad. As it turns out, at the time it was just two songs. I have no idea what caused it as they were both setup exactly the same way as all the other songs.I deleted then and re-did them and all woks again. I cane across another one yesterday that did the same thing, so again I just deleted and re-set it. I could not see a common denominator between the three of them. As I wrote originally, weird! Anyway I will advise if any more pop up and I’ll try and see if there is anything between them that is similar. Thanks for the reply.


Hi Dennis,

Hrm. I don’t like it when things magically fix themselves. Do you have copies of the old and new files that I can check out and compare to see what’s changed?


Sorry m8, no I deleted them. But if I come across another one I’ll make sure I save it to send over to you.
