Bug? Setting a CCMAP TargetControllerKind to CCCoarse does not persist

Hello Brad,

v3 x86 3125

Is this a bug? When I use a MIDI filter on a MIDI port in the Options screen, set it to Controller Map, and set both From and To to CC Course, when I reload Cantabile the To has switched to None. I’ve seen the same behaviour when putting a MIDI filter on a rack’s input ports.

When I watch settings.json it looks as though the setting is saved correctly when OK is pressed (and is still correct when exiting the software) - perhaps it’s being ignored when the software loads?

Anyway - used v3 live last night and it worked a treat! Thanks Brad!


Hey @WeepingBoil

Just checked this - yep, it’s a bug but you can work around it by setting the target controller to anything other than “Same”. It only seems to fail when you choose Same.

Anyway will fix it tomorrow.


Yup - that works!


FYI: This is fixed - will be in the next build 3128 (coming soon)

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