I very much like the reworked bindings section that you introduced last year.
It would be useful to have under the bindings tab listing a column for C=continue and S=suppress as a visual to more easily follow a bindings chain. Changes would still be done in the edit popup. When following a list of bindings, my old brain does not remember things as well as it used to.
To be clear, this arrow on the bindings list is only an indicator? The other day, I actually needed to change the mode from Continue to Suppress based on the expression in the Mapping pane. For instance, if an A (input) is pressed after a G (previousinput), play an E and suppress the A so there are no other binding evaluations for the A Note. If the A continues, check for other Note sequences if following binding expressions. This would allow more of IF-THEN or CASE logic in bindings. Is there a way to do this now?
Yes, the arrow in the binding summary does toggle suppress/continue parameter. The further question is can the suppress/continue parameter be bound to an expression?