Binding Source Note Field is Clipped

The field for Source Note in the Bindings display is clipped, making it difficult to tell what note you have selected:

The field starts out left-aligned, which is not too bad. The image above shows the field after modification, which is right aligned and make it rather difficult to manage.

Maybe if @brad could extend the field to the left? … which would break the alignment of the input boxes, but might work in this case …

I’d like that too! If the field can’t be enlarged a tool tip indicator would help. It’s hard to see all of what’s there in note as source cases.

Hey @ClintGoss

are you aware that the Binding editor can be re-sized? Once you make the dialog a bit wider, the note field will grow with it, while Channel stays constant in width. Now the whole note will fit in the field.

Still, the Channel field doesn’t really need to be as wide as it is…


No, not aware, thanks @Torsten :slight_smile:

… and retains the width you set for the window, even after closing and re-opening the window, and even after re-starting Cantabile (!) … Excellent!!

What @Torsten said.

The default size is the minimum size and set so it should at least be usable on smaller screen… but yes, usually you’d want it a bit wider.