I have a question pertaining to Linked Racks. I have the Korg Collection, and I notice that many of the Combis / Multis / Programs lack in the gain department as compared to a lot of other VSTs. I am contemplating putting something simple in the rack to compensate… like the Blue Cat Audio Gain. I have been fooling with the rack state behavior settings, but I’m not finding the right combination to have the settings switch per state.
Anyone like to steer me in the right direction? Please!
Although be careful with that setup - having “Selected Program” state behaviour enabled as well as the two Gain controls means they could be fighting with each other. If you store a program in the plugin with certain gain values set, then change the gain controls and save the rack state, I think those gains may override the program’s gains, although I’m not certain.
I’m probably being over-cautious, but usually I either have Selected Program, Entire Bank, or else individual exposed plugin parameters set, and try not to mix up those three groups of state behaviour.
You’re not being over-cautious @Neil_Durant . I posted the help picture without considering the other defaulted switches that appeared when I tested the plugin in a rack. Too hurried an explanation on my part. Keep correcting and appending when there is ambiguity please!
Unless I am missing something, I have not been able to get enough “boost” using the rack slider, especially with the Korg M1. I have the YouLean Loudness meter in my channel volume racks, and that one always needs a shot in the arm to get it where it needs to be.