Beach Time Again

Hey All,

It’s that time of year again. Myself, Jen and the boys will be disappearing off to the beach for a couple of weeks. While away I won’t be checking in here as often as usual - for anything urgent, please email me and I’ll get back to you asap.

Quick development update: I’ve spent the last month or so working on a biggish new feature for Cantabile and I was hoping to get it done before going away but there’s still probably a couple of weeks work left on it. It’ll have to wait till I get back. Super excited about it but keeping it quiet for now :slight_smile:

The beach beckons!



Enjoy your well-deserved break, Brad! Can’t wait to see what this biggish new feature is, when you’re back :slight_smile:


Nothing like the beach to unwind and recharge - have fun!

Enjoy your time with your family, Brad!

I’ll be playing my first all-Cantabile gig (two keyboards plus a keytar, pre-recorded audio and midi tracks, automated mic effects using transport triggers, linked lyrics/setlist on my Android tablet, etc.) with my new funk band in just over a week and am really looking forward to that. Cantabile never stops to amaze me.

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Enjoy it! :slight_smile:

Happy holidays! :sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:

I’m back! 12 days at this beautiful beach was amazing.

Now, back to coding…


Nice white sand … lovely … Welcome back Brad! :smile:


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Cool panorama shot. Welcome back!

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I missed this post before you left, and was wondering why you have been quiet of late!

Hope you had a lovely time relaxing with your family.

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