Automatic named states

Hi, am searching a while now, but can´t find any solution, so I ask here:

Is there any way to have automaticaly named new states?
I want to add a midi control for adding new states in music performing situations and therefore I want to prevent the prompt pop up window.
The name of the new states should be the corresponding PC numbers…

Okay, seems that´s not possible…?
How do you handle that?
Do you avoid creating new states in performing situations?

Tell us whats the goal of adding new states in performing situations?

kind regards

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Okay, I`ll try…(it´s not so easy to do that, since english is not my native language)

I am using Cantabile as a controller for ableton and for handling VSTI s (Ableton as Looper).
I want to create Live Performances, to be able to do a whole Song by navigating thru the states.
A simple change of (BackRack) States is arming the Tracks I need, triggering the scene I want and starting a synched trigger to change to the main Cantabile State.
So far, so good, that´s working like expected, but while creating new Songs I have to create a new state for every step.
By trying to improve my workflow, I found out, I can bind the new state command and so I thought, there must be a way to “auto-name” these, to avoid the pop-up window and not to have to use the “screen PC Keyboard” when working on a touch screen.
But maybe I´m on the wrong way and someone here is doing similar things, and could help me there…

Is it possible to do “empty States” and just “update” this States after doing changes???

Maybe it is an extraordinary task, but could improve my workflow enormous…

Hope you could understand and thanks for your answer

Do you mean you are “recording” the whole performance to cantabile midi so you are able to play it back ?
What is the final performance format?
not sure if i understand correcty :smile:

No, I´m just doing a state for every step in Ableton (e.g. Arm Track 1 + 2, Mute track 3, trigger scene 1 in the first state , second state mutes track 1, unmutes Track 3, triggers recording for Track 5, etc), all from the BackRack, Ableton Triggers then the associated State in main Cantabile, to have the selected VSTI s synched to the scene start…

It is too compicated in my opinion…
Why not create limited number of states (for each song or maybe one song?) and use Ableton dummy clips for switching Cantabile states?