Arpeggiator don’t stop to play when I lift my hands from the keyboard....quite often

…somebody that have the same problem as me?

Which arpeggiator do you refer to? A vsti?

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Yes, the arpeggiator in vsti. In this case Omnisphere, but it happens even with other vsti.
I am using Cantabile Solo and I use it in a simple way…no states or racks. I am thinking about to upgrade and learn how to use states, mabye that’s a more stable way to changing songs and sounds.


Dumb question. The arpeggio in question is not latched is it?

I have no problem with dumb questions Derek :grinning:. I feel quite dumb sometimes and probably I have to learn wath latching is in Cantabile.
This is a picture of my simply settings, the third vst is my arpeggiator vst: