Another Thanks to Brad. MIDI Routing is Brilliant!


I just wanted to give another thanks to Brad for all of the hard work done on Cantabile 3. After the jump from Cantabile 2 and getting used to the new way of working, it is light years ahead of 2 (which I thought was amazing), and I keep discovering more flexibility as I dig deeper.

In Welsh Floyd I was using it for mainly audio file playback and MIDI cues for DMXIS, so just using a single MIDI file containing only DMXIS MIDI cues. In Pure Floyd in 2012 I was using actually Cantabile 2 for the DMX cues and also to send data to a Voice Live 2 pedal, and, from memory, I had to route the MIDI file to a MIDI loopback to split the data in the file to DMXIS and an external MIDI port which were both listening to the loopback (maybe this was not the best way, but it was the only way that I found!).

Fast forward to 2017 and for my Carreg Ddu duo, I now need to do the same in terms of splitting MIDI data, and was wondering how I would get to do this in V3. And to my delight, I found it is now so much more simple. In the media player, create two output ports (DMXIS and VoiceLive). Edit the media file to define which tracks go to which outputs. Use the routes to send DMXIS to my DMXIS rack, and the VoiceLive to the VoiceLive virtual port.


So thanks once again, Brad. You have done an amazing job with Cantabile , and I hope you keep developing it.
