Another Setlist program numbers question

I sort my setlist alphabetically. I scroll through in the Grid view to get to the next song. Is there a way to hide the setlist program numbers? I do not need to see them. Sorry if this has been asked previously and thank you.

Hi bgober,

right click on any song in the grid and select adjust grid

uncheck the box that shows the program numbers




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Thank you Dave. I was actually looking to remove them from the Set List, not the grid. I just recently started using the Controller Bar feature. In particular the Song Selector. Having the Program Numbers is the Song Selector, which is in alphabetical order, is not helpful and takes up space. Is there a way to remove the Program Numbers from the list in the Song Selector? Thank you again.

Hi bgober,

On the Song Selector in the Controller bar there is a smaller case label on the top of the box with the song number in the list and the total number in the list. Is this what you are referring to?



This is what I am referring to.

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OK, to fix that you go to the set list pane on the left and right click on the song and select Edit Song.


In the dialog box locate the program number box. Decrement beyond zero to make it blank



Click OK and you’re done. Repeat for all songs in the set list



Thank you Dave. I appreciate the help. I was hoping for an easier solution but this will work. Thank you again.