Another minor UI issue - Can I hide the metronome?

I apologize if this has been brought up before, or if I am missing something. I can show the Metronome settings via the menu (View | Metronome), or Ctrl-M. But most of the time, I don’t want it taking up screen real estate. Can I hide it? For other things, either a menu option or the ability to shrink it down to nothing will work, but not (to my knowledge) with the Metronome settings.

Hi Roland,

Just press the metronome icon it toggles the display of metronome specifics. Hope this is what you needed. :smiley:

Thank you! That worked. I didn’t think of it before because I usually keep the toolbar hidden, so the metronome icon was also hidden!

You can also hide it (or any panel for that matter) by moving focus to it (Ctrl+M) and then pressing Shift+Escape.