Hi folks. Been a while since I’ve popped in here as Cantabile has just been doing what I need it to do. But I have a specific Use Case that I’m wondering if someone can help with…
I have a song which is the first song in a set BUT I have an unsync’d Media Player with a file that I trigger before the actual song starts (kind of like a walk-on song). As this is unsync’d and just runs on its own I would like to see how much time is left before the end of the file.
Is there a way to use a variable in Show Notes to display how much time is remaining (preferable) or, if not, the current transport time of that specific independent Media Player (obviously the Master Media Player will always be 0m0s until the actual song starts)?
Nothing urgent - but would be nice so I know if I have to hurry the other musicians onto stage quicker etc…
We need to get @brad to look at this Hunter, currently the main transport is able to help see in big text where a media file is but un-synced media player playback position pointers are not. There is the % of file played indicator on the media player slot but it is not a variable that can be made large as far as I know.
My workaround for something like this is to start a timer when starting the Media Player, then display the time remaining (or was it the elapsed time ? – i don’t recall).
Crikey… This community is still one of the best around (actually THE best). Thanks for the speedy replies. Its definitely just a nice to have but I might look into maybe either just create a state and switch; instead of the unsync’d media player. Then can look to grab the main transport playback position OR just run a timer… Thank you both! Much much appreciation to you
Thanks @brad - like I said - definitely a Nice to Have rather than a must but could be something others could have a Use Case for. In the meantime I quite like the idea of using the Countdown timer as a trigger. I’ll definitely try that out…
And (please don’t mock me… too much) but I’m still using Build 4052 but like the look of the new Binding window - much more user friendly (I guess this was part of the big Build 41xx?). So on that note, if I upgrade to the current version am I likely to run into any issues with any of my current bindings in Songs/Sets? Or should this just be a straight upgrade… And sorry I’m very much a “if its working don’t touch it kinda person”…
Thanks again. This software is just incredible and the community really is so SO helpful!
Yes, the new bindings framework was a major update. As far as I’m aware the old bindings all upgrade cleanly now and just work. When first released there were definitely issues but I’ve addressed everything I’m aware of. What I would recommend if you’re concerned is simply make a backup of all your songs and racks, install the latest build (I’ve issued you a new trial license) and see what happens. If things break (they shouldn’t) then you can either restore your files and go back to the old build or manually fix any bindings that don’t work - but be sure to let me know so I can fix the upgrade for anyone else.
Thanks again @brad - I will be making my backups of songs and racks after my next show (on Friday) and testing out the latest build. I actually already have a subscription until April 2025 (I use a different account for my license) and have always gone for the early bird renewal even if I’m not intending on upgrading as, while it is a really fair and user-friendly license model, I also think it fair to support the development and developer (also… just in case)
Thanks again fella… I recall there were a few other items I was keen to try out around the Media Player too so will report back if I have any issues or even what I’m finding even more useful than Cantabile already is!