Access to song-level route bindings from background rack?

I’d like to streamline my setup. I have a lot of songs with same plugin configuration, except minor changes like for example metronome tempo.

Now I have some bindings to physical faders, some LED button indicators etc. all on a song level.

I figured out I could simplify everything using common bindings in the background rack instead of song level bindings so future maintenance of bindings is made all from one place.

For faders, I use “Rack By Index/Name → Outer gain (Outer)” target and it works wonderfully.

Now I’d really like to access song routes from the background rack using a source like “Route By Index/Name → Enabled” but this kind of source doesn’t exist. The purpose would be to send sysex to turn LED indicators on or off on my KeyLab on based on route enabled status.

Is there any workaround except putting all those bindings in each and every song?

If not, @brad , would it be a viable suggestion to add those bindings?

Thanks and regards,

Hi @matejb

Thanks for asking about this. Currently accessing routes by name/index is not supported. Is it just the ability to enable/disable routes from the background rack that you need?


Hi @brad,
thanks for reply. Yes, enabling/disabling routes from BG rack is my primary “requirement”/wish now, I haven’t come across other needs regarding them.

+1 @Brad

I recently had the exact same need, all of my xtouch-mini bindings to racks/by/index are in the background rack, except the routes are stuck at the song level.

