A triplet of nuisances

There is a way to avoid this error message after deleting a project?

And, there is a way to have the output not defaulted when I add a plugin?

And there is a way to make the Recording option more user-friendly?
For example, a light blinking during recording…
I read the manual, but I often end to stop the recording instead of starting it, or not starting it at all :upside_down_face:

I’ve had trouble with this myself - that somewhere Cantabile hangs onto old paths for recording sets. You might try editing the settings.json file - if you find there’s an entry for previous recording set you can delete it.

I had this problem and stumbled on the answer - it’s certainly not obvious. Go to Tools >> Options >> Audio ports, select Main Speakers, and uncheck the Default box. (You can do the same for Main Keyboard under MIDI ports.)

Yeah, i also struggled with not knowing whether i was starting or stopping the recording.
Under Options>>Hot keys, I changed the function of the R key from Toggle Recording to Start Recording, and added a mapping of Shift-R for Stop Recording.
And if you’re like me and forget to start recording in the first place, you can make a binding to start recording when the program is started or on loading a certain song or when you start the Media player.

– Jimbo


I implemented all your tips

Hoping to have at the end of a recording session 3 WAV files, instead of one WAV file and 3 temp files :upside_down_face:

If interested, I renamed all them in .wav and they came out from the grave :grinning:

I’ve had mixed success with resurrecting .tmp recording files. By the way, .tmp files are what you get when Cantabile doesn’t exit cleanly. I’ve had to make sure to close Cantabile before shutting off power to my audio interface (mixer), otherwise Cantabile hangs/crashes and doesn’t finish writing the recording to a .wav file.