A return of a poor player

Hi folks

After a long gap, I realized I just need Cantabile (not any DAW) to play the music in the way I love, i.e. jamming on an accompaniment base
So here is me again

My hardware is changed a bit: Behringer Swing used as a keytar, Akai MIDImix as a controller, Sony MDR 7506 headphone, and Sennheiser ME1 mic

My software is a bit changed also: Cantabile Solo, Scaler, UJAM pianos, guitars & basses, Jamstix drummer, EZKeys, AAS Strum GS-2, S-Gear amps, GSI VB3-II, MiniOrchestra & SoloTrumpet, VA minimoog, MelodicFlow (solo helper for poor players like me)

Welcome to the forum.

Glad you are enjoying Cantabile as much as we enjoy it. As time moves on, you will discover so many things residing deep in the program you never thought about.



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Thanks Corky

It was a long journey, but I am quite sure that this forum and tool will be my home, together with Scaler clearly, as they both cover (partially) my lack of skills :sweat_smile:

After all, I am more a mousier, but I love pounding a tune on my keytar, and this is what matters to me: having fun
