A defector from North Korea has described the shocking brutality she witnessed from inside Kim Jong-un’s regime.
Hee Yeon Lim described how the North Korean leader ordered executions of anyone who dared to cross him and alleged that he picks teenage girls to become his sex slaves.
The daughter of an army colonel, Hee Yeon, 26, lived a privileged life in North Korean capital Pyongyang, where she was exposed to Jong-un’s reign of terror.
Describing one occasion she saw 11 musicians brutally executed for making a pornographic video, she told The Mirror: “We were ordered to leave our classes by security men and made to travel to Pyongyang. There is a sports ground there, a kind of stadium.
“The musicians were brought out, tied up, hooded and apparently gagged, so they could not make a noise, not beg for mercy or scream.
“They were lashed to the end of anti-aircraft guns.
“There were around 10,000 people ordered to watch that day and I was standing 200 feet from these victims.”
She went on: “A gun was fired, the noise was deafening, absolutely terrifying and the guns were fired one after the other.
“The musicians just disappeared each time the guns were fired into them. Their bodies were blown to bits, totally destroyed, blood and bits flying everywhere
I’ve watched a lot of documentaries about NK… I have no trouble believe it’s a very bad totalitarian regime with a lot of human rights abuses but this just sounds ridiculous. Is it meant to be serious or a horrible joke? Where would people in NK get the equipment or have the merest inkilng of the balls to try and make a porno vid?
The one time I played a gig in Runcorn, many Moons ago, was at a terrible working mens’ club, complete with Phoenix Nights style hanging shiny strips on the wall behind the stage, and a greater than usual proportion of audience members with sideburns. The FOH system for the whole band turned out to be little more than a guitar practice amp. Dreadful. Good luck!
I’ve never had to do the classic chickenwire gig where you had to have a barrier between you and the audience. I did do a show where a guy got killed in the alley out back though while we were playing.
Never had the chicken wire, but could have done with it a few times…
Having said that, some of the “spit and sawdust places” in our local area where “character” pubs where we used to have great nights gigging in them, but they have lost all of the ambience since they cleared out the characters and gone up market.
NK. Is pretty bad. I hadn’t heard that story but have heard plenty of similar others from reputable news sources about regime pariahs being chased down by dogs or strapped to explosives. Kim knows the minute he shows weakness (both inside the country and outside) that he is finished. Whole situation is a mess. For all of Trumps’s rhetoric what are the red lines, and Kim has seen what happened to the dictators that gave up their weapon programmes. He will not give them up due to loss of face and due to threat of being overthrown (within the country or outside).
Yep, and of course the whole country has been told that the West wants to kill them all and eat their children (literally, probably) so bombing them into the stone-age will just prove it and they’ll fight to the last person for what they assume is their very survival. It’ll be ugly.
Being born, and raised in Arkansas, I started gigging there at 14 yrs of age. I played some joints in “the hills” with wooden floors full of drunken, long bearded, one-strap overalls (they pronounced over-hauls) filthy men who would fight over anything. All the dirt, and rats, opossum , blood, and spit came free with the gig. Many times we would have to haul equipment over knocked out, or passed out men in the floor or laying outside. Very few women would ever show up to those places, but if they did, there would definitely be a fight over them.
I played a few gigs over in the delta at some juke joints where you hoped they had chicken wire from the beer bottles being thrown. Chicken wire saved my skull several times in those places. The first time I saw the blues brothers movie, I thought…I’ve played there before.
I played in a joint in a small town in the bootheel of Missouri that had a stage about 5 ft tall, and was surrounded by chain link fence. I walked in, and gasped. What was our agent thinking? There were mostly women there, and they all sat alone at separate tables. Men would come in, pick up a woman, and she would return 30 minutes later. I apparently didn’t see the red light over the front entrance.
Also played one time in a remote club on a small river in Arkansas called “the river rat”, and we would go on break, people would go outside, and start shooting guns at the river or other people. Someone would get shot there every weekend. Glad my Mom never knew.
Of course, this is all minor compared to anti-aircraft guns. That must have been on their rider.