Wasapi and external audio card

Not so dubious Terry, I released my ASIO Link Driver way back in the day.

Btw, ASIO Link Pro is well worth 50 bucks and out performs its competitors. I guess you get what you pay for.

J Shield

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Thatā€™s great to hear! So, you are a true pioneer! Iā€™ll check out your software. :slight_smile:


I would strongly advise against accusing companies of being ā€œdubiousā€ unless you have checked your facts and the accusation is valid.

J Shield

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Hmmm, not sure if insulting one of the most helpful members in this forum is going to gain you instant popularity here?

In case you havenā€™t noticed: this is an extremely helpful and civilized forum - aggressive tone and personal insults are not very common here.

After this contribution of yours, I personally am not going to check out your product.




Nor will I. This could have been handled much differently with less ā€œfacebookā€ sniping. This is an extraordinary forum with some of the most gracious, and helpful people on the planet. I am not alone in saying that I wish it to stay that way.

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Agree. Donā€™t need snipping here.

Itā€™s a shame, because actually ASIO Link Pro looks like a good and useful product, and this is precisely the kind of forum where a good, positive attitude could have been beneficial business-wise.

Regrettably, it looks like O Deus is an apt name.


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Yes Torsten, granted, I did go to far there and I have edited my comments accordingly.

Also, I need to add that I do not speak for O Deus Audio in my comments. I speak for John Shield and I apologise for upsetting this forum.

In short, if you claim my business is dubious I will insult you. :smile:

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Sorry I threw that monkey wrench in there - I only meant the claim sounded dubious, not that I was certain that it was.

You cleared that up, and I am glad to know of the pioneers who first blazed this trail. It is good to hear there is a stable solution out there. The Windows 10 WASAPI/WDM implementation is supposed to be pretty fantastic - Iā€™m curious how this works with those upgrades.

Never meant it to sound like I was insulting your business. So, sorry again for that.
