Sostenuto MIDI Filter

Ok - cool.
Is it converting too? This would be a major convenience, if possible.

In 4193 available now.

What do you mean? Converting 66 to 64 and vice versa? Why?

Hi @brad
It was not clear whether the sostenuto filter was automatically converting from 64 to 66. There’s no reason it should; after all they’re two separate controllers. It just so happens that 99.9% of the time, the user will employ the sustain pedal for that task, so I was suggesting that we have the facility to make that conversion happen within the Sos filter, as opposed to having to use another mapping filter.
Hope that’s clearer.

Hope that’s clearer.

In 4193 notes which are being played will cut off when Sos is on and then off.
I believe current implementation operates as follows
If notes are played, sos applied, fingers lifted, the notes sustain, which is correct.
Reapply those notes, even add new ones, apply sos, and they continue seamlessly, which is correct.
Apply and release sos while notes are still being held down, they will cut off.
That is not correct.
I think the rule of thumb is that if fingers are on keys, don’t cut them off.

Thanks for looking at this issue.

Doh… I missed one of those bullet points when I tested. I’ll get it fixed.

Hey @Ade,

Since I seem to be struggling with getting this filter right, I’ve put up a build but not put it in the official feed yet. Give this a test and let me know:


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Works great! Better solution than PIZ now with the retrigger option.
One tiny issue is that the filter bypass checkbox seems to be ineffective. Displays unticked but still operational.
I’ve checked this a few times to make sure I’m not going bonkers.
Only when deleted/cut is the filter not operational.
Other items in the same filter list are not having this issue.
(And it’s noted that the note offs are converted to Note On@Vel 0 even if they come in as real note offs :slightly_smiling_face:)

Thanks Ade… I’ll check it out.


Greetings @brad
One more question….
Whet is the function of the channel fields in that filter? I can’t seem to direct data according to that selection.

Hey @Ade,

There was a logic error on the same line of code that checks the enabled flag and the enabled channels that was causing both these issues.

I’ve redone build 4194 so download/install from above link again and it should be good.


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I think we are in good shape.