Running in portrait mode

I’ve started using Cantabile with my display set to portrait mode, so that I can easier accommodate music score in Show Notes.

However, I can’t seem to get the on-screen keyboard (compact mode) to go narrow, so the top and bottom octave or two are lost off the edges. This is a problem for me as I rely on seeing where the zone ranges are. Is there any way to control the width of the keyboard, so it scales? I’d kind of guessed it would be driven by the window width, but it doesn’t appear to be, at least not at the screen resolution I’m using (1280 horizontally). Have I missed some setting somewhere to control this?

The other thing I notice when running in portrait mode is that the sidebar on the left feels quite wide, taking up about a fifth of the screen width, but it has a minimum size below which it can’t go. It would be nice if that minimum were a little smaller.

For reference I’m running in 1920x1280 resolution (but portrait).


I use it this way too, but in “Live Mode” where I can remove sidebars since I do no editing when playing live.
For an entire music score my screen is too small but for lead sheets it is sufficient.


You can try by opening Cantabile and go to the Options menu. Look for the On-Screen Keyboard settings. There may be an option to adjust the width or scaling of the keyboard. If there isn’t a direct setting, ensure that you are using the latest version of Cantabile, as newer updates might have improved options for handling different screen orientations.


Thanks for that. There are indeed some on-screen keyboard settings in Options, for keyboard range (lowest and highest notes). However, with an 88-note keyboard and a screen in portrait mode, the full keyboard range is still not shown - only about the middle 4 octaves or so.

In fact, I notice this also applies when running in landscape mode - it doesn’t appear possible to show a full 88-note keyboard when running with a horizontal resolution of 1280. So I think it’s more that the on-screen keyboard doesn’t scale to narrower keys to attempt to fit, when running with lower horizontal display resolutions.

This is with the latest version (4199).

I wonder if @brad can shed some light on whether there’s a workaround for this limit?


This is completely unintuitive, but try this:

  1. Turn of compact mode
  2. Adjust the height of the keyboard panel so the keyboard scales to the correct width.
  3. Turn compact mode back on.
  4. Re-adjust the height of the now compact keyboard to get the desired height.

I know… weird right?

How’s this? I’ve changed the minimum width from 220pt down to 120pt - enough to show the first few letters of each of the 4 tabs.


Magnificant! Yes, that works beautifully, thanks Brad! Unintuitive only until you know the trick, then it seems logical. I guess the scaling is only enabled in non-compact mode, and compact mode just uses the non-compact-mode scale?

Ah that looks really great, thanks Brad! I know it’s probably a bit niche using Cantabile with a monitor on its side where horizontal space is at a premium, but that’s going to help me a lot - thank you!



I’ve just put up secret sauce experimental build 4201 that has this. See here for link and important caution.

Cool, many thanks Brad - will try that out.

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Thanks again @brad, the tweak you made to allow the left side-panel to go narrower is perfect for portrait mode!

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