Rhodes has now developed a VST version of of the MK8

This stuff is golden. I love the Rhodes sound but have never been able to get the sound to where I lose myself for hours. Great info.
Thanks Ade

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Just a hat tip to another ā€˜Rhodes Enhancerā€™ with a very low CPU demand and lots of avenues for obtaining a dreamy Rhodesā€¦ itā€™s the little old GVST GTriChorus. What a lovely chorus plugin that is. Three separate lanes, each with LPF and HPF, depth and freq, and a ā€˜stereoā€™ control which can skew a given lane so that they modulate in opposite directions with varying amounts, effectively providing a double modulation. Each lane then has gain, to mix the three channels as desired.
Just wonderful over a Rhodes - or when going for that Vangelis schmaltzy Bladerunner piano.


Are you using the beta version date 1/24/2021?

It appears to be Version
Product Version 1.2
Modified 14.05/2015!

I actually checked the GVST website today - didnā€™t seem to be any major update.
Found the AllCVSTWin64.zip package in my downloads which looks like I grabbed that version in April 2023.
What do you have?
The only thing I would appreciate seeing is smoothing of some parameters. The frequency of the trichorus glitches when bound to a CC

You have been warned - this might be complete rubbish says the developer :grinning:

EDIT - I found the AllCVSTWin64.zip download