Possible to show Song Notes in different window on a different monitor?

Thanks! It’s working. I’ll tweak the styles_shownotes.css a bit to get the header and footers as small as possible to showcase the notes.

After bumbling through css code, minimizing height and padding allowed the ShowNotes windows to take up the entire screen. Works well and thanks again.

I did recompress the root.webfolder (actual, uncompressed folder) with 7-zip which produced root.webfolder.zip, then deleted the .zip on end to recreate root.webfolder. After copying into Cantabile directory, nothing worked. Obviously, I missed a trick or two about recompressing. However, system works well with uncompressed folder and keeps ability to tweak css files realtime and updated webpage with ctrl-f5. Much easier to leave in uncompressed format.

One benefit that surprised me is the original Cantabile WebUI (with the transport keys, set list, states, etc) is still fully functional and addressable via same web address. One WebUI can be running in one tab the the other in another. Dual monitors would allow perpetual notes on one screen then setlist (and ability to change if touch screen) on the other.

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The original WebUI stuff works because Brad suggested copying the original index.html to shownotes.html. I added copying styles.css to styles_shownotes.css and having shownotes.html reference the latter. That way the orginal WebUI is intact and we can mess with our shownotes all we want and still be able to call the original. Glad you were able to edit the styles_shownotes on your own. I’m going to do a difference comparison of the two files and post the changes here that I made to mine

Just for anyone who wants to maximize the size of the note area. These are the two css edits that matter the most:

main {
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;

padding: 5px;
color: white;

div.splitter div.left-panel {
overflow: auto;
height: auto;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
-ms-overflow-style: none;
flex: 0.5;
padding: 5px;