PF Indicator in Cantabile 3

I noticed the new pf indicator in the top next to the load indicator - does this mean “page fault”?

I see it jumps quite high sometimes! Is that something I can optimize better on my machine?

Yes, this indicates the number of page faults in the previous 1 second. It’s perfectly normal for this to spike - it basically means something was read from disk. So loading a plugin, or opening a window for the first time and many other operations will make page fault spikes.

What you want to watch out for is, is spikes when you’re just “playing”. eg: if you’re using a large sample based library and you hit a note for the first time and the pf counter jumps - this might be something to look into.

Basically treat it as a possible indicator of problem.

Very low priority suggestion…making this a little like the Linux “top” command’s load average readout, which shows the system load averaged over 1, 5 and 15 minutes. It might be useful to include an additional number showing the average number of page faults per second, over the last (say) 10 seconds. As I said though, mega-low priority!


That’s a good idea - perhaps something for a “performance panel” or similar.

On the other hand I have mixed feelings about highlighting page fault counts - they can be a subtle cause of problems, but also very misleading at the same time.