Mysterious performance boost hack (4171)

Ha ha :laughing:
Well, maybe check out the demo. Worth finding out if the dodgy plugins can be immunized, I would’ve thought.

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You said you were having trouble trying to ‘get to the culprit’. A binary chop method would help.

Sure enough, but I currently have a few plugins and I cannot do what I want without them, so I am on a blind track :upside_down_face: :rofl:

I think @The_Elf means to TEMPORARILY disable half your plugins to narrow down the culprit plugin. If there are no problems with the first half disabled, then activate those and deactivate the other half. It’s a trial and error solution.


Sure, but if I found that some of the plugins I love and need are the culprit, I cannot certainly kill them
My rant was more academic than practical :smile:

Most of the times a plugin has been isolated to be a problem, either brad or OEM has been able to fix. The hardest part is isolating a reproduceable problem.