MMC - Record Play Stop forward rewind

This is stupendous! What a useful way to employ otherwise unused buttons on one’s controller!

Hi guys.

Iam trying to make a binding in the background rack so that I can switch between the next and previous song state with one of the buttons on my M-Audio Keystation 61. (one of the keys with the HUI protocol)

I can switch between the song states if I use the midi learn function and use a key on my keyboard (note on).
That works! But I can’t get the left/right keys working. :frowning:

I used the “HUI Switch Decoder” on the input in the option setting in cantabile. And I can also see that the button is working with midi learn… but somehow I get the message that i made an invalid binding!

Any ideas?


Hi @Roelli,

In the event column try switching from “Controller” to “Controller (No Edge Button)”.

“Controller” is intended for knobs and sliders and it doesn’t make sense to bind a slider to “load next song” - hence the invalid binding.

Selecting “Controller (No Edge Button)” tells Cantabile to interpret the events from the CC as button events - and buttons can be mapped to “load next song” (but not to a gain setting).


Thanks Brad.

That works fine, thanks!
Maybe you want to add this info to the manual? For dummies like me? :slightly_smiling:
I didn’t know what “no edge button” means. If it is called “use for push buttons” I might have clicked on it myselfs. :slight_smile:


Hi @Roelli,

Yes, I should. In the meantime, here’s what “Button” vs “No Edge Button” means. Different MIDI controllers send different MIDI events when buttons are pressed.

Some send 127 when pressed and 0 when released.
Some send 127 when pressed and nothing when released.

Cantabile’s “Controller (Button)” is an edge detecting bindings. ie: it responds when the value crosses from <64 to >64 and works for the first case above. If there’s no zero sent when the button’s release it won’t retrigger.

Cantabile’s “Controller (No Edge Button)” fires on receipt of any non-zero value.

So normally, if you select Controller (No Edge Button) it will work with nearly any button.


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