Media player with changing state?

Hi Brad,
I use cantabile live with click and single tracks for playback since i only have 2 hands.
Is there a possibility with the internal media player to control the states so that they change synchronously and automatically.
That would be great.
If not, then it is the feature what is really still missing.

For example: place markers 1,2,… and create a binding to states 1, 2,

Hi kyru,

I assume you have either Cantabile Performer since you mentioned you have states. If that is so then you can set up transport position bindings for your state changes.

I hope this helps get you started. Post any questions you might have and we’ll get it going.


Hello Dave, unfortunately the video no longer works.
I’ll try it tonight, I take for example the click audio track (master transport), set transport position points (don’t know how to do that yet), make transport positions control the states in sync, is that so? If so, then I kind of understood it.

Hi kyru,

Yes, it is so. In some instances where you are sending to hardware there may be propagation delay that may cause one to fiddle with the binding trigger position to ensure sync but for local changes like States it is accurate.

To set up transport position bindings click on the track providing the positions and open the Timeline in Cantabile. Use the transport or the cursor to locate the position. Add a binding that uses Transport “On Position” as the Source and click the “Use Current…” to load the current cursor position value.

Now you just complete the target action section and you’re done. Repeat for each position you needed an action at.


Hello Dave,
so far so good, it seems to work, but the media player stops at the next state instead of running to the next - position on next state,…

Hi kyru,

Can you post your song for me to look at? It might help me figure why the media player stops on the state change. It’s likely a conflict on the state behavior or range settings for the Media player being used for the position bindings.


I have just re-subscribed and am downloading the latest version.
I will then install cantabile on my main computer and program the song there as best I can. But it will take a while.
I’ll get back to you in the next few days and thanks again for your efforts.

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Make sure that the “State Behavior” boxes are all set to “off” for your Media Player:

That makes sure that your media player is unaffected by the state changes.

Also make sure that there are no unwanted state behaviors for the Metronome (e.g. Master Transport). If your media player is set to follow Master Transport, this could also mean that state changes affect media player playback.



Hallo Torsten, works fine for me now. Thanks to you all for the help.
One question:
How can I jump to the point of the timeline when I activate the state. Is very convenient for rehearsal.
If possible, is then also preroll possible?

Yes - in theory :wink: - but you can’t have both at the same time. Automatic state change and jumping to transport positions on state change will conflict - every time your transport passes a defined position, it will change the state, which in turn will jump to a transport position set in a state-specific binding. This will create breaks and jumps in your playback (and worst-case even infinite loops), so not really usable. So you’ll have to decide: state change when playback reaches a position OR jump to playback position on state change (which is less helpful if you want continuous playback…)

If you want to quickly jump to a position, I’d suggest you place markers in your timeline and use bindings to jump to “next marker” when you press a button on your controller. Makes it a breeze to jump to verse, chorus etc. If you have a sufficient number of buttons (e.g. a drum pad), you can even have individual buttons for verse 1, chorus 1, … Stream Deck comes to mind :wink:



Thanks a lot,
I will try this tonight. Since I play in a progressive rock band, it can happen that I have up to 20 states in a song, the drumpad (16) is not big enough. :wink:

Best combine approaches then - some drumpads for high-level sections (like rehearsal markers A,B,C) combining jump to marker and switch state, then use a button (or another pad) for “next marker” and “next state” for markers/states inbetween.

This way, you also avoid state and marker getting out of sync.

Hi Torsten,
is there a possibility to program a kind of precount when clicking on a marker.
Do you know a way to copy the markers to all media players in one go.

Unfortunately no to both questions - at least not to my knowledge…