Kontakt Crackle Crackle

Thanks, Corky and Ade. I will have a look. The puzzle is why it has only started in the last couple of weeks or so, after not occurring for the previous year.

Do you have anything running out of Cantabile causing a spike? Just an automatic update of windows or other sneaky programs could possibly grab a share of resources.
You could check Task Mgr and see if some greedy thing has inserted itself.

That is what I was wondering. I haven’t managed to re-create the spiking since Sunday, after numerous attempts. So I got the set list up just now, with the Performance Monitor up and running as per the jpeg picture. The processor demand neve got above 40 - 50% in any of the songs, but then played nothing for a few minutes, and the performance monitor was showing all CPUs running at near maximum, yet without spiking. This would suggest stuff running in the background, making off with loads of processor capacity. I will have to read to No Glitch guide to see if there are somethings to switch off that I haven’t done yet.


Thnaks for your help so far!

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Glad you found it! Now to contain the culprit.

I have just run task manager, which ironically is the most demanding app at this moment in time!

What I will have to do is wait until the next crackles arrive, then bring task manager and performance monitor up to see who is guilty!

I’ll keep you posted!

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Task mgr will show what is hogging resources if you catch it.

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Tons of services and processes start up after a little idle time. This drives me mad, especially every time a major Windows update is released.
So I disabled automatic updates and still use a 2022 version of Windows 10. The latest Win 10 (and Win 11) are hard to tame, for example the antimalware service is no longer stoppable, etc.


Well I managed to get the crackle again, but Task Manager didn’t show anything hogging the processor.

I might try the Cantabile “power off and on” next time. An alternative is to find put what orocesses might suddenly decide “now is the time to run!” and see if I actually need them. Or I could buy Shreddage 3 P Bass as previously mentioned. It is a bit older than Icon Bass and likely to be less hungry.

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@Sausagefingers I made the audio engine “power off and on” part of my standard startup using this technique provided by the incomparable @Torsten.

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I recently installed 4191 and have the impression that it generates more crashes and also some hiccups randomly in a song. As I normally have many instruments in a song it is difficult to pinpoint to a specific vst.
I very clear and simple crash I got with sforzando, concert harp, from the Versilion Studios,VCSL-1.2.2-RC, played via the media player and a midi file.
Crash harp.zip (1.6 KB)
This will crash with the version 4191 but not with version 4159.
The crash will also disappear if the end marker is moved beyond the end.

@brad maybe it helps to find the issues,


Hi @Joop

For the sample files you’ve sent, can you please clarify exactly which plugin and version you’re using for the sfz player.

Also, did you send a crash report for the crash? I just checked but not seeing a recent crash from your account.


Hi Brad,
I am using the sforzando v1.977 vst3, I added the vst and song to the zip.
There is no crash report, Cantabile crashes with producing loud noise and hanging completely. I have to stop with the task manager.
Crash harp.zip (589.1 KB)

Thanks for that advice - I have just made that binding, and in addition I have made another one, this time linking a spare pedal on my Behringer FCB1010 to simply restart the engine should crackling re-occur. This is a work around until we can find a fix, but for a momentary pause in proceedings it seems to work. The alternative is to go back to an earlier build to see if the cause is in an update, as intimated by Joop. Hopefully I am on top of the situation, but will keep you updated.

Thanks to all for your help so far! What a brilliant community!!!

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Good news! I had a practice session and a live set at church this morning and everything flew beautifully! My only problem was with Billy Sockinears on the PA - why is it only keyboard players who PA guys mess about with? I had very little through foldback and couldn’t be sure whether I was getting the crackle, so I hit the pedal and did a live engine restart, which took just a second or so and everything was fine.

I am well happy!!!

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Only now i am not. Restarting the engine is just a workaround, but the crackle remains, and now involves the Wavestate Native vst, which sets it off after pausing for only a few moments.

So I have re-installed version 4191, and so far everything is fine. But who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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Could you please try build 4199 and let me know if it performs better.

You didn’t mention which build you were having issues with but build 4197 included a fix for a performance issue with some plugins. That fix, plus others are included in 4199.

Will do, but it will after Sunday when I next play live.

Thanks, but make that 4200.

A post was split to a new topic: Issues with VST3 and Cantabile build 4197+