How do you make a 'hole' in a key range?


I’m not sure if there is an easy way to do this.
Currently, I create two key ranges; one below and one above the ‘hole’.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Have you tried using two routes ?

I think maybe 2 routes with different keyranges, 2 midi channels to the same same target plugin w/ patch.

He already said, that he’s doing that:

Currently, I create two key ranges; one below and one above the ‘hole’.

Oh yeah - ha ha :slight_smile:
Well he’s on a winner with that one then.

Indeed, two routes seems like the best option. However, be aware that when those two routes are merged and fed into the input of your plugin, each route will carry controller data such as sustain, and so you’ll get duplicate MIDI messages for that stuff, one for each route. This is probably not a problem, but something to be aware of. If it’s a concern, just add filtering on one of the routes to only allow note data through.

Another option is one route, and use a filter to “extract” the hole and map it to a different channel (where it’ll be ignored), as long as you don’t need state behaviour (since filter’s don’t have state behaviour).


Sorry about missing that completely! But I have a suggestion how to fix the problem. Just add a Midi filter on the input route that suppresses the notes in the middle of your keyrange you set for the same route using the standard midi route editor for that slot.

Upon testing I found that no matter how I set the filter CC#'s it suppresses all notes from the onscreen keyboard at least. ( I use it for testing) @brad … May be a bug in this event suppress filter.

Hey Dave,

Isn’t that going to suppress all notes, and also any control data for CC 20-45 ?


Hey Neil,

Well, yes it is. I didn’t know he wanted to use the hole for controllers.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone and that double controller warning, @Neil_Durant

@dave_dore, it is just for notes but your idea does make me think that it’s a shame that the suppress notes filter doesn’t take a range of notes.

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Logged it, but can’t imagine it’s a high priority.

There is, surprise, surprise…
plz midi.

The midikeysplit4 plugin.
Set a filter on your instrument plugin to only allow channel 1.
It’s a little quirky but, if you follow this you’ll see the 2/3 split actually determines where the top section of the range comes back in - I’ve made the 3/4 split point redundant on purpose - but you must set its channel (4 out channel) to the instrument’s channel (channel 1 in this case.)
Easier to look at the pic which has the low range stopping at C#1 because of the D1 and the top range kicking in at D#4 because of the 2/3 split:
This picture shows how notes will be filtered out from D1 to D4.