Feature request: Startup parameter to select audio driver


as I wrote in my reply to @The_Elf, there are musicians who are not at all IT skilled, I have personally met many of them in the last years working with Windows PC and Mac.
But I also understand your point about the demand.

TBH, that is exactly what the current method does - without the need to have to go through the steps of loading a setup within Cantabile. I can simply click a specific shortcut on my desktop and be immediately set up for gigging/rehearsing with a specific setup.

Yes, the initial effort to set it up is a bit fiddly, but the ability to have a number of different setups, completely “sandboxed” from each other is great.

The only downside is that the plugin scan needs to run in duplicate for every config, which can take a while with a larger installation. @brad: would it be a problem if I simply ran a batch script that copies the plugins.json / plugins.cache.json and plugins.user.json to all other config directories when exiting Cantabile?



As I said, I am happy to work through it all to get it figured out in my head. I’m just saying that it’s clunky and relies on a bit of technical understanding. Until now I haven’t understood it - and I did read the manual! TBH I never will understand it until I go through the process at least once.

But much easier would be an Options panel with a list of ‘Setups’ that can be created, loaded, deleted, renamed, copied, etc. You could also add these Setup names into a shortcut, as now, but for most people I think a supplied Options panel would be easier.

I have to say that most people (including musicians) I know wouldn’t have the first clue as to how to even create a shortcut, let alone edit it.

I’ve just been through the process, with the help of the guidance above (thank you!). Yep, I got it working.

But I can honestly tell you there’s no way the other guys in the band would ever have been able to do it. And they definitely wouldn’t have had the confidence to try.

Do the othe guys in the band use Cantabile?

I see what you’re saying, but the fact remains that Cantabile (and its use cases) is a “nerdy” application in general. You can use it in a pretty simple way without diving into this, but more advanced setups and solutions will obviously require more geekery and being willing to dive into the technical side of things; there’s just no way of getting around that.

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Yes. I do a lot of the work, but they can undertake the basics.

I’d say that anything that can be done to make usage simpler for non-nerds is worth consideration. Maybe not top of the list, by any means but worth consideration. Brad’s time is precious, and I’m sure he has other work that’s more pressing.

…and in case anyone else treads this path, it seems spaces are not allowed in the text between the double quotes of /config:“My Config”.

Unless I’m again doing something wrong.

That’s correct.

Assuming all the configs have the same VST Path set, that should work fine.

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good find - I’ve edited my post above to avoid sending others in the wrong direction

@brad: if spaces aren’t allowed, why are quotes needed at all? And the example in the Guides section actually has a space in the config name (“Home Studio”) - I assumed this was what the double quotes are for. This is a bit confusing - can you clarify?

Basically, any spaces in a single command line argument need to be double quoted otherwise it’s considered two separate arguments.

So, spaces are allowed the configuration name but spaces aren’t allowed between /config: and the config name.

So, these are all valid:

/config:"My Config"
"/config:My Config"
/config:My" "Config
/con"fig:My Con"fig

The following are valid, but would create a config starting with a space:

"/config: My Config"
/config:" My Config"

This is not valid:

/config: MyConfig

Also, just for completeness, you can use -- instead of /

--config:"My Config"
