Dealing with stereo piano libraries to mono in live situations


I’m using Ivory II upright pianos in mono. I just turn the stereowidth to 0 in Ivory and pan the plugin in Cantabile to the otherside.

Haven’t experienced any problem here, just thinking that mono sounds mono; a little bit dull, but in live situation (jazztrio basically) stereo just sounds weird.

Sorry for being a bit slow, but what is it, that makes some pianos in stereo turned to mono bad? Is there phase problems or what is it?

And would there be a better way for me to make the Ivory sound better in mono?

If I sum the left and right of ivory at my mixer the resulting phase cancelation is so horrific that some keys sound like they were barely struck. As a jazz player you know the value and importance of your touch skills (we’re not banging out boogie woogie here) to comping and inner voice movement and it’s just not usable.

Now you mentioned the ivory stereo panner and I’m sure I messed with this but your comments /apparent comfort level lead me to believe I’ve missed something. If I have, I will be very angry and immediately move to lower uppington where they have no Internet service and take up rock pounding.

For me it’s nothing like that. But the difference is that I don’t bring the stereosignal to mixer, I bring left channel only (with the stereospread at zero).

I’ll do some research on this…does it change if I feed the right signal to mixer etc…

@pimeehosee (it’s even fun to say)

Well I’m just flat busted stunned… That works perfectly. It’s not just a marginal solution, it’s the way to go and sounds great. Even Keyscape, which has no panning within the vst, sounds fine panned hard L or R.

I can only think that the difference when I tried this before was that I was, as you say “bringing the sig to the mixer” plus I had always left both of my (stereo) monitors in place so must have been getting some sort of cancellation with the mono’ed signal centered between the two. I promise - it was terrible. Thanks for this.

Ok, I’m done. Shutting up now, never speaking again.


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