Cures for CPU-Hogitis! Low-CPU Usage Synths and Effects

I’m bumping this thread to see what might be available as low-CPU usage VSTi’s and FX in 2020! :slight_smile:


Recently…2019?..Korg Triton.

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GSI TimeVerb-X

S-Gear v 2.9

with the aim to put some life back in this useful thread, I did some investigations in low-CPU and low-latency effects, useful for our live-setups

I came up with the following: (11.7 KB)

I tested the latency within Reaper (if you do not have it, you can download it for free and use it for a while): if you open a VST there, you can check the latency (see file, upper right corner of the plugin, click there, and the latency (spls) is reported, independent of the Buffersize you are using

My experience is that plugins with spls beyond 200 might give you latency issues.
CPU consumption depends on your PC/laptop obviously but you can see at least the order of magnitude. Especially for limiters, reverbs, special effects and distortion plugins there can be significant differences that you might notice when using them live

This helped me in any case to shortlist a number of effects for priority usage…

Have fun

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would be interested in what you came up with for the Raven. Can you send me your saved patch?

I’m bumping this thread to see what might be available as low-CPU usage VSTi’s and FX in 2022-23! :slight_smile: