Brain fart! Kontakt isn't remembering to load a sound!

Doh! You’re right, did even consider that. Not sure what the correct solution for this is but have added a new rack option (which is off by default to keep old behaviour) “Always save rack when saving parent song” to opt in to this new behaviour.

Included in 3227.


It’s a really thorny area isn’t it! It would be great if Cantabile could get accurate notifications from plugins when their internal state changes. But even then, how do you know that its state has changed from direct user editing and not as the result of a binding?

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That’s a lot better! Don’t want any ugly surprises with my racks being saved with the volume pulled all the way down. TBH, I’ve gotten into the habit of always explicitly saving my racks once I’m done with my edits - or even between edits; rather save too frequently than forget to save an important edit…



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Just wanted to say that manually saving the racks worked great!

Thanks again all, this is a great community!
