When are changes saved to plugin pseudo-presets?

Can I control when my changes are saved to plugin psedo preset?

Hi Pavel,

I think that you select the plugin you want to adjust, open the states panel for that plugin and uncheck “Entire Bank” .

Sorry Dave, I meant something different.

I want to use pseudopresets, I don’t use “Entire Bank” - states are switching programs/pseudo presets instead.
I don’t want states to store whole settings since pseudo-presets are reusable.

My question was when I make changes to the plugin settings (in plugin GUI or via MIDI), when are those changes saved to pseudo preset? If immediately, or when I save rack?. I’d like to be able to control that.

Hi Pavel,

Sorry, I didn’t understand. Maybe Brad can help as this is a good question.

Hi Pavel,

I’ve done some experimenting and have found this about pseudo presets…

case a : you place a plugin at song level - the pseudo presets are saved when you save the song and are part of the song file

case b : You place a plugin inside a rack - After you save the rack when you create it you can make changes to it’s contents (plugins with their pseudo presets) only by using the “Save Rack” function again. If you don’t the rack will load up the previously saved settings next time you load the song even if you saved the song before.

case c : You can also import and export the Cantabile pseudo presets as fxp (single programs) or fxb (Banks of programs) using the drop down menu on the right upper corner of the plugin gui.

I don’t know if this answers the question fully but hope it helps…:smiley:

edit: I messed up rack explanation

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This is unclear to me, as one needs to create a file in order to add a new rack, so the rack is saved even if it has no contents. Is that what you meant – that it would not contain a plugin or anything unless you saved the song? But if you do save a song, it will remember that this rack contained a plugin? [EDIT - paragraph referred to was corrected.]


Thanks Terry, for spotting my error I hopefully have corrected the text to the correct explanation.

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Heh, you are definitely less lazy than I am :slight_smile:

Yep, that’s the better option.
Still I could use some way to return to original settings without having to reload song/set-list.

I use it a lot.


You mean like a snapshot function that could snap back to starting song settings without reloading the song. Yep that would be cool too…good idea Pavel sounds useful to me.

Hi Guys,

Just to clarify some things here. Firstly there seems to be confusion about the terminology.

A “Pseudo Preset” is a special kind of preset implemented by Cantabile when the plugin in question doesn’t support more than one preset itself. In this case Cantabile fakes the presets list by managing a set of saved plugin states externally to the plugin. Mostly this is completely transparent and as best I can tell in unrelated to this discussion in that the same applies for Presets as does Pseudo Presets

As for when presets save, I think that’s the wrong question - individual presets don’t get saved (unless we’re talking about exporting an FXP, which I don’t think we are).

I think what you’re asking is when do racks get saved. In which case the answer is a) when you explicitly save the rack from the File menu, or b) when you save a song that has the rack loaded.

Having said that, I do have a task to provide better control over this including:

a) the ability to lock a rack so that it’s never saved unless you explicitly, manually save it.
b) the ability to reset the parameters of a rack’s plugins to their originally loaded values. For performance reasons this would only reset parameters - ie: values that might have been tweaked by controller assignments during performance.

See also this and this.


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Just to add extra clarification to Brad’s illuminating reply, note that plugin state, including all their presets/pseudo presets are stored in the rack (or song if the plugin is at song level).


I like both.

  • some option to reset racks upon song load automatically (either trigger or set-list parameter)
