Hi all, been wanting to ask your opinion for a while so here goes. I love v2 of Cantabile and use it live every week. v3 seems very impressive but i really have very simple needs so unsure if v3 is just too complicated for what i want.
I have 2 controller keyboards and the laptop, both have plenty of transports, knobs etc so dont need a midi controller. I dont change things “on the fly” mid song or have different verse and chorus sections etc, really only tweak the main output volume really.
All i want to do is have a list of songs for the gig and select as i go (mostly we do the set in order but sometimes this can change mid gig). I dont need to change anything mid song just want to have a vst assigned to each keyboard for each song, sometimes i will split one or both keyboards in Cantabile and the splits may need different vst patches with different volumes but thats about it.
As i understand it, in v3, i have to create individual racks with all the vsts i use (grouping them as strings, organ etc) and then create an individual rack? for each song with the specific vsts for that song? (ie a string sound on one keyboard from the strings rack, and an organ from the organs rack?), then i can store that as say a song labelled “U2-Beautiful Day” etc?. Thinking as im writing this, could i just create one level of racks for each song?, so that when i call up the song the tailored rack for that song (1 or 2 keyboards used, splits, specific volumes for each vst etc ) can be loaded, that may mean using the same vst sample in multiple racks so not sure if thats ok load wise or not.
Some of the answers ive seen on here are quite overwhelming in complexity so im sorry if i come across a bit naive with my post, but i love Cantabile and if i can keep it reasonably simple i would like to convert, or shall i just stick with v2 ?
EDIT. Re reading my post, Is the correct process, Create Racks - Create States for each song - Save Song?