JSON parse error (Failed to open song)

Hi everyone!

I’ve been using Cantabile through the years and this is the first problem I ever had!

The last week I was able to open the song correctly and play it normal, but today i’ve been surprised by a popup message that says:

Failed to open song. JSON parse error at line 239, character 2, context bindings.[0] - Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.

I didn’t change anything in this song and i don’t know how to solve the problem. I have a backup but it’s from 2 years ago and other version of cantabile… Different vst and everything…Maybe there’s a way to solve this without making the whole new song again.

Thank you!!

Hi @Laurardelamo,

Sorry to hear you’ve had this problem. I’ve heard reports of this a few time now, but they seem to be getting more frequent (my suspicion is that Windows 10 is more lazy about flushing to disk, but that’s just a feeling).

Some questions:

  1. Before the problem happened, did Cantabile or Windows crash?
  2. Is your hard drive SSD or mechanical?
  3. Have you run a check disk on the drive recently?
  4. What version of Windows are you running?
  5. What build of Cantabile are you running?

Cantabile takes steps to try and prevent corrupted files - it writes files to a temporary file first and then renames them to the final location so that you don’t end up with half written files, but it seems this still happens occasionally.

I’ve also got two improvements scheduled that should help with this:

The first one should help reduce the chances of this happening. The second should give you a fallback just it case it does still happen.

In any case, the best answer is to make sure you keep regular backups.



Hi @brad, thanks for your response.

Answering your questions:

  • No, A few weeks ago there was a cantabile crash but it was my fault when loading a deleted library of Omnisphere. Nothing related to the song in question.
  • It’s an mechanical Toshiba MQ01ABD075.
  • Yes, because 3-4 months ago i had a kernel data crash, but Windows apparently repaired the damage.
  • Windows 10 Home 6bits (Laptop with i7-4700 2.4GHz 8GB RAM)
  • 3241 (April) The latest until i can extend my license.

Yes, I have a backup of all my setlist or songs when i do drastical changes in them, but no this time… Another lesson to learn!

EDIT: I found the actual racks backup, i dont remember they were here!

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