Can a cantabilefxb file be used to generate a states list?


I have been working to create a few useful modules for C3 and came across a question. After I create a cantabileFxb or a regular Fxb file can that file be used to software generate a syncronized states list for a rack holding this plugin? ( by syncronized I mean rack state 1 = pseudo preset 1, rack state 2 = pseudo preset 2 with the pseudo preset name copied to the corresponding state name ) Would be huge time saver for this particular application of C3. :sweat_smile: But possibly a pain for you as well. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: Line me out on this please.



Hi Dave,

Interesting idea however are you using the rack’s states for anything other than the selected preset on the plugin slot? I’m wondering if an option to expose the first plugin’s preset to the parent song - instead of the rack states might be more manageable.


No just the selected presets in this case.

I assume you mean C3 Pseudo Presets and if so, yes, I do think it would be more manageable. I might be doing unnecessary work. Thanks for the reply.


P.s could you add cantabileFxb extension to allowed upload list. Thx :grinning:

Both pseudo presets and the normal presets of other plugins. Pseudo-presets are implemented inside Cantabile’s plugin object and as far as the reset of Cantabile is concerned are indistinguishable from native plugin presets. So this would work in both cases.


Thanks for that! :smiley:


This access you talk about from the parent song level, how would the gui work for this? Would there be another drop-down list that showed the presets from the rack but at song level? Just want to be sure I got it. I like being able to rack the plugin because it remembers the fxb bank and auto loads it on deployment of the rack. If I could access it the way you suggest that would be great.

Not sure… just something I was suggesting/thinking about.

I’m wondering if an option to expose the first plugin’s preset to the
parent song - instead of the rack states might be more manageable.

YES!! :slight_smile: (although you should be able to choose the plugin to be exposed)

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