Bindings - when Action is Note, Value gives weird results

Build 3277: I’m trying to set up a binding that will send a very quiet Note On (with velocity 1), and then a Note Off, to a synth plugin. (The synth preset has Glide/Portamento switched on - I want to send it the first note of the phrase I’m about to play so it starts cleanly without any initial glide.)

When the Action column is set to Note, is the Value column intended to specify the note on velocity? If so, results (as revealed by opening a MIDI Monitor on the plugin) are weird:
Value of 0 results in note off being sent (which is logical, I guess)
Value of 1 results in note on velocity 40 being sent
Value of 2 results in note on velocity 41 being sent
Value of 3 results in note on velocity 41 being sent
Value of 4 results in note on velocity 42 being sent
Value of 100 results in note on velocity 87 being sent
Value of 127 results in note on velocity 100 being sent

Cantabile is constraining any value I enter for Value to the range 0-127.

I can workaround by setting volume to 0 beforehand, but wonder what’s going on here…

Hi Danny,

Sounds wrong. What event are you binding from. That can have an impact on how the value mapping works so I’ll need to know that. Perhaps just post a screen shot of the whole binding and I’ll check it out.


My bad, @Brad. Just realised that I have a velocity curve set on the plugin’s rack MIDI In - minimum 40, maximum 100.


Actually, this does raise an issue that’s occasionally crossed my mind: in the Routing panel, the summary info in the Control column doesn’t include velocity curve, if one is set. (Nor Ignore Global Transpose or Notes Only if either are ticked.)

I think it would be useful if it did. All other settings in the Edit MIDI route dialog seem to be there.

Velocity curve could be concisely displayed as:
VC: 0-127 to 40-100
Should it include Expand/Compress v Enhance?
If screen space is a consideration, I think even just a bare bones “VC” would be useful as a reminder - one could then click to open the Edit dialog for details.


Logged it.